Building Dreams for the Impoverished

At a time when we are being inundated with stories of hatred, selfishness, apathy, violence and unrest in the world, it is refreshing to learn about people and organizations that are motivated to inject positivity. Jim Ziolkowski Founder, President and CEO of buildOn and best-selling author of ‘Walk in Their Shoes’ is one such person. His organization, armed with the goal to "break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy and low expectations through service and education" has been instrumental in building 780 schools in seven countries: Burkina Faso, Haiti, Mali, Malawi, Nepal, Nicaragua and Senegal. buildOn also runs service programs at 50 high schools in seven US regions: Chicago, Detroit, New York, the Bay Area, Philadelphia, Boston and Connecticut. Jim understands the inextricable link between education and poverty. Global Attic commends him for his tireless commitment to making sure all children have access to quality education.
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